Volunteer with age concern eastwood
Donating money to our charities is not the only way you can get involved. Why not give your time to help out your local community? We are always looking for volunteers. Learn new skills, meet new people and have fun. Below are some of our volunteering opportunities. Please get in touch if you feel that anything is suited to you or you would like to try something new.
Volunteering for some positions will require a Disclosure Scotland check to be undertaken.
Driver Volunteer
Do you have three spare hours once a month to join our team of minibus drivers and helpers? The buses pick up our members from their homes and take them to and from our social lunch club locations, as well as on outings to garden centres etc. Apart from the driver there is always a helper on board to assist the members getting on and off the minibus
If you have a caring and considerate nature towards older people then come and join our team.. Training is provided.
Social Lunch Club Volunteer
Our lunch club volunteers contribute to our members’ enjoyment of their day by helping them to socialise, serving tea and coffee and lunches and joining them on various outings
You decide your own time commitment with the social lunch club convenor.
Office Help
If you can give two hours a week to help out in our Age Concern Eastwood office, please get in touch with us. The office is situated in The Stables in Eastwood Park. You would be answering the phone, giving older people information or putting them in touch with appropriate agencies. You would also be helping with wheelchair loans. Training will be given.